Safe Zone Newsletter

April, 2024

Why do Safe Zones Matter?

Safe Zones foster inclusive and welcoming spaces where individuals of all backgrounds, especially those from the LGBTQ+ community, can feel safe, respected, and valued. They equip individuals and our institution with the knowledge and tools to create environments where LGBTQ+ individuals can live, work, and learn without fear of discrimination or prejudice, ultimately leading to a more just and inclusive society.

Tips on Being an Effective Ally

Knowing Terminology

What different identities are there? What do they mean?

an identity that is not cisgender and/or heterosexual

Homosexual/Gay or Lesbian
an identity for someone who is attracted to people of the same or similar gender; lesbian specifically refers to a non-man person who is attracted to other non-men

an identity for someone who is attracted to more than one gender

Pride Flag of the Month

Nonbinary Pride Flag

The Nonbinary pride flag was created by Kye Rowan in 2014. Those who are nonbinary have a gender identity that is not within the gender binary of men and women.
Color Meanings
Yellow -- Those whose genders do not exist within the binary
White -- People who identify with all or many genders
Purple -- People who may consider themselves a mix of the gender binary
Black -- Those who identify as having no gender

Pronoun Etiquette

How should I ask someone for their pronouns?
When introducing yourself to someone new, begin with stating your name and pronouns to create a welcoming environment for others to share their pronouns. If you are unsure of someone's pronouns, you can ask politely "What pronouns do you use?" or "What pronouns do you go by?". Try not to assume someone's pronouns beforehand as you may misgender or incorrectly gender them.

What are neopronouns?
Neopronouns are a category of new (neo) pronouns that some people may go by as opposed to the commonly used she/her/hers, he/him/his, or they/them/theirs. Some examples include: xe/xem/xyr, ze/hir/hirs, and ey/em/eir.

Spotlight on Historial Figures

in the LGBTQ Comunity

Michael Sam

Michael Sam became the first openly gay man to be drafted into the NFL in 2014 after coming out in an interview with ESPN. He was on the St. Louis Rams until 2015, where he ultimately retired from football.

Upcoming Events

Pride XChange

Truman's Queer Resource Center is creating a gender affirming closet called Pride XChange. We are currently accepting donations! Please feel free to bring any clothes you are ready to part with to the CDI, BH 109!

ATSU's Drag Show

Sexuality in Medicine (SiM) Club at ATSU who has been collecting donations for the Pride XChange is hosting a drag show on April 6th at Club One from 9-11pm! Tickets will be $10 if you’re 21+ and $15 if you’re under 21.

Day of Silence

The Day of Silence event to bring awareness to the harassment and bullying that the LGBTQ+ community may face on campuses as well as throughout the world. The Day of Silence is a national student-led demonstration where LGBTQ students and allies all around the country—and the world—take a vow of silence to protest the harmful effects of harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ+ people in schools.

This year the Day of Silence will be on Friday, April 12, 2024. Take your vow of silence with us throughout the day and then Break the Silence at 5pm on the QUAD!

We will be tabling on Tuesday in MG and Friday in the SUB to provide more information and to give out stickers and pins!

LGBTQ+ Resource List

Click the link to browse a collection of local and national resources for queer students

Connect with our Student Orgs

Our Mission

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) mission is to empower Truman State University community by dismantling disparities  which  prohibit fair and inclusive access to our  resources, services, and  programs, simultaneously strengthening the interpersonal relationships with historically unrepresented and systematically minoritized students.  CDI believes it is the responsibility of every individual to intentionally contribute attitudes of open-mindedness that helps foster  a culture of  respect, inclusion,  and  belonging. Through academically, socially, and culturally responsive programming, CDI  will continue to  encourage  students, administrators, faculty, and staff  at Truman State University  to engage in meaningful, transformative experiences while celebrating personal uniqueness and communal solidarity.
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