Safe Zone Newsletter

September 29th, 2023

Why do Safe Zones Matter?

Safe Zone fosters inclusive and welcoming spaces where individuals of all backgrounds, especially those from the LGBTQ+ community, can feel safe, respected, and valued. It equips individuals and our institution with the knowledge and tools to create environments where LGBTQ+ individuals can live, work, and learn without fear of discrimination or prejudice, ultimately leading to a more just and inclusive society.

Tips on Being an Effective Ally

Knowing Terminology

What different identities are there? What do they mean?

the LGBTQ+ community
acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer/questioning; the community of individuals who do not identify as cisgender and/or heterosexual (can also be LGBTQIA+2S which includes intersex, asexual, and two spirited)

an identity for someone who may be sexually, romantically, or emotionally attracted towards people of all genders, or regardless of their gender identity.

an identity for someone who feels little to no sexual attraction towards others

an identity for someone who only feels sexual attraction to someone they have a strong, emotional bond with

A Chronicle of the Evolution of Pride Flags: Lesbian Flags

Labrys Lesbian Flag

The labrys lesbian flag was created in 1999 by Sean Campbell. The design involves a labrys, the double-headed axe associated as a weapon used by the Amazonian women of mythology. In the 70's this sign was adopted as a symbol of empowerment by the lesbian feminist community. In recent years the flag has been used by certain extremist groups that have caused the greater community to stray from its usage.
Lipstick Lesbian Flag

In 2010, the lipstick lesbian flag was introduced by designer, Natalies McCray. The design has many shapes of pink and red and features a kiss mark in the left corner. The flag has been see as exclusively femme. Overtime, this flag has been phased out due to it not showing and accurate representation of everyone in the lesbian community.
Sunset Lesbian Flag

Emily Gwen, a non-binary lesbian Tumblr blogger created the sunset lesbian flag in 2018. The flag takes the seven stripes from the lipstick lesbian flag and changes the colors to include more oranges and pinks which all have a specific meaning that has to do with the lesbian community. Gender non-conformity (dark orange), Community (light orange), Unique relationships to womanhood (white), Serenity and Peace (pink) and Femininity (dark pink).

Proper use of Terms

A great place to start with inclusivity is language

Use Transgender (adj) instead of "transexual" or "transvestite" when referring to someone whose gender identity does not correspond to what was assigned to them at birth.

Use assigned female at birth (afab) and assigned male at birth (amab) instead of "biological women" or "biological men" when referring to the gender/sex given to a person at birth.

LGBTQ Current Events

Human Rights Campaign State of Emergency
Prime Minister of Andorra Comes Out As Gay

LGBTQ History Month

October is LGBTQ History Month. The occasion began in 1994 when Rodney Wilson, a Missouri high school teacher, believed that a month should be dedicated to the celebration of gay and lesbian history. October was the chosen month because in coincides with other existing traditions such as Coming Out Day which is on October 11th. Watch out for events from the CDI and student orgs to celebrate LGBTQ History Month!
          • Oct 10th- Coming Out Day Celebration
          • Oct 27th- Screaming Queens Documentary

Connect with our Student Orgs

Our Mission

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) mission is to empower Truman State University community by dismantling disparities  which  prohibit fair and inclusive access to our  resources, services, and  programs, simultaneously strengthening the interpersonal relationships with historically unrepresented and systematically minoritized students.  CDI believes it is the responsibility of every individual to intentionally contribute attitudes of open-mindedness that helps foster  a culture of  respect, inclusion,  and  belonging. Through academically, socially, and culturally responsive programming, CDI  will continue to  encourage  students, administrators, faculty, and staff  at Truman State University  to engage in meaningful, transformative experiences while celebrating personal uniqueness and communal solidarity.
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